
The Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) is eager to connect with employers interested in hiring Mercer talent! There are many ways to engage with us for the purposes of getting more Mercer Bears to your workforce! Our career center team extends top-level service to employers to help build brand awareness of your organization or company, as well as to promote your career opportunities.

New Handshake ImageMercer University uses the Handshake campus recruiting platform. Students across all of Mercer's campuses use Handshake. This centralized system gives employers access to recruit thousands of Mercer students and alumni everyday.      


Register for New Employer Account    

     Handshake Help Center for Employers     


Post job and internship opportunities and source talent inside Handshake routinely, add-on one or more recruiting methods from the list below, and communicate with the career center team regularly.  


Ways to Recruit Mercer Talent:

Fall and Spring Career Expos

Employers are invited to recruit college level talent at our annual fall and spring semester job and internship career expos. These premier recruitment expos are held on the Macon Campus during the third week of September and February each year. They typically draw approximately 900 student attendees from all types of academic programs and disciplines from across the university, including busines, engineering, liberal arts/humanities, and sciences. Employer registration is available inside Handshake approximately eight to ten weeks prior to the event. To learn more about the expos and sponsorship opportunities, contact Stefanie Swanger, Director. See the scheduled events here


Information Sessions

Employers may create an information session events at their convenience inside their Handshake account, free of charge. The delivery mode options include virtual, at the employer's chosen site, on a Mercer campus, or a hybrid event designed by the employer. Presentations topics that include content about the organization's industry, products, services and culture, as well as the career opportunities and selection process are customary. In addition, students greatly value presentations that include learning and growth in various professional development topics. Once the event is created in Handshake, the platform AI will go to work promoting your session to the target audience of students you selected.


Information Table

The Career for Career and Professional Development can arrange for you to staff a table located in a prime campus location during peak hours to talk with Mercerians. A minimum of two weeks notice is required to allow enough time for staff to make campus reservations and dining/catering requests (if applicable).

Requesting to Interview on Campus

The Center for Career and Professional Development is proud to offer on-campus interview opportunities at the following locations: Atlanta Campus, Macon Campus, and the Henry County Regional Academic Center. If you are interested in conducting interviews on-campus, please take a moment to complete our Interview Room Request form.

Interview room requests must be received at least three weeks in advance. Submission of this form does not guarantee approval nor indicate space availability. Each requestor will receive follow-up communication from a CCPD Staff Member with an update on the status of your request and additional information.

Interview Room Options:

  • On-Campus Interview Room: We will host both you and your candidates in one of our Career Center interview rooms.
  • Virtual Interview:  Schedule and host your virtual interviews on Handshake. 
  • Hybrid Interview: We host the candidate in one of our Career Center interview rooms. 
Interview Room Options:
  • On-Campus Interview Room: We will host both you and your candidates in one of our Career Center interview rooms.
  • Virtual Interview:  Schedule and host your virtual interviews on Handshake. 
  • Hybrid Interview: We host the candidate in one of our Career Center interview rooms. 

If you have any questions about our interview room reservation process, please contact swanger_s@mercer.edu.


On-Campus Interviewing

On-campus interviewing (OCI) offers employers the opportunity to screen Mercer candidates for further consideration for positions within the organization. Employers may choose from several different recruiting models that provide varying degrees of control over who you will interview during your visit to Mercer. 

  • Pre-Select: The employer screens resumes and invites select applicants to interview
  • Pre-Select with Alternatives: The employer screens resumes and invites selected applicants to interview. You may also select alternative candidates who may sign up for interviews should any pre-selected candidates decline the interview invitation. 
  • Open: The employer does not screen applicants. Qualified candidates sign up on a first come first serve basis. 


Employer Partners Program

The Center for Career and Professional Development has a limited number of premier partnerships available to employers who want to build a relationship with the career center team for the purposes of developing an on-going recruitment plan, strengthening their brand on campus, hosting and/or participating in multiple campus career events, and supporting Mercer University. To request a call to discuss the program or to consider ways of beginning or expanding your company's campus recruiting at Mercer University, contact Kim Meredith or Stefanie Swanger.


Mercer's Corporate Partners Program

If your company is considering ways to establish a multi-level corporate partnership with Mercer University, please consult our Corporate Relations web site for more information.


Ethical and Professional Hiring Practices:

The Mercer University Center for Career and Professional Development is committed to adhering to the NACE Principles for Ethical Professional Practice. We are seeking connections with employers who value and uphold these principles and our core values.

The career center staff reserves the right to decline postings that require a financial investment by our students, or postings for positions that may involve unreasonable risks where known, or postings for positions that conflict with the NACE Principles for Ethical Professional Practice.